Friday, December 2, 2011

Cook and Freeze

Frugality is also about conserving effort and energy. I started freezing soup a long time ago. When I make soup, I usually make enough for an army. Then I take those Chinese soup containers, fill 'em up and freeze a few batches for later. I don't like to cook, but I don't want to eat out all the time, so having stuff frozen means that I always have a meal handy. Freezing also works for meatballs,tomato sauce and chunk cheese (buy on sale for 2 dollars). If you have food ready you'll be less tempted to eat out. Quick meals are a must for a family on a budget. It takes a lot less time than you think to make a good meal. Soup can provide a little lead time for the hungry. Serve them soup while the main meal is simmering. There are tons of websites with loads of easy recipes. What worked for me was cooking on the weekend and eating pre-cooked meals during the week. When I was single I would broil a tray of chicken legs and heat them up all week. Breakfast for dinner is also good. Having eggs for dinner once in a while works for me.

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