Thursday, August 25, 2011

I'm Cheap and I'm Okay with it

My family hates when I tell them I'm cheap.  But then again I don't ask for anything.  It got me in a little trouble for my wedding.  I was older, over forty.  I did not want to make a big fuss about marrying someone I had been living with for years.  I invited four people.  My mother , his mother, his sister and my aunt.  His sister wasn't bringing her husband.  My aunt told me her husband was working and couldn't come which was fine with me because I didn't want him there anyway.  The minute I set the date though, he decided he wanted to come and my aunt was miffed that I didn't invite him too.  Too bad.  It's my wedding.  I get to do what I want.  People think they can bully you.  I was over forty, I didn't want a gift and I was paying.  My father was dead.  In the end my aunt uninvited herself and I invited a photographer friend in her place.  I got some great photos and had a nice wedding.  She really wasn't needed at the ceremony or celebration.  It's okay to be cheap.  Nobody has a right to tell you how to spend your money, or how to run your life.  I'm cheap and I'm okay with it.
On the other hand I tip well at restaurants.  I don't believe in cheating the wait staff.  The restaurant manager is doing that already.  I think people should be paid for their work.  I always get good service too.  I'm easy.  I am not a demanding customer.   I once sat at a table where the previous customer had given a lousy tip.  The server was upset.   We started talking and I had a great dinner.
Another place where my wallet opens is in church.  I like giving money to my church and I like giving to charities I am sure are doing the right thing.  My church does good work around the world and I am happy to give. I also give to people less fortunate than I am. "There but for the grace of God" and all that.  I have been very lucky all my life.  I made some wise decisions but I have also been lucky.  I chose to study hard  when I was young.  I chose to stay out of trouble.  But not everyone has had the same options available and I realize that.  So I give a little money, here and there.  I don't give to anyone I suspect of a substance abuse problem.  But there are people who have been disabled or who are now too old and just don't have enough.  Those people should get any little help I can give.


  1. Correct you are. It's all about, what's important to you? Over 40, getting married, why make a show of it? Plenty of people do and that's okay, but just think of what you could be doing with the money spent on a lavish wedding!

    And I agree with tipping the wait staff very well. Lord knows they're getting ripped off as it is. If anything I over-tip. ESPECIALLY if I'm out with someone who finds any excuse NOT to tip.

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