Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Limit the Use of Paper Towels

I'm old fashioed.  I never liked paper towels.  I use dish towels and sponges instead.  I  prefer things that are re-usable.  I don't like paper plates much either, except sometimes for sandwiches.  I use disposables when I'm sick and can't keep up with the washing.  But that is rare.  Besides a lot of those household plastics are bad for you anyway.   I use paper towels sparingly.  I like them for drying a chicken before it goes into the oven, but that's about it.  I am not particularly obsessive about clean countertops either.  I maintain my cutting boards scrupulously clean instead.  My food never comes in contact with the countertop.  I always use a board.  Boards are easier to clean and sanitize.  My dishtowels basically are used to dry dishes and they are soaked and bleached once a week. Sponges get nuked in the microwave or put in the dishwasher. I find this more eonomical than using paper towels.  The jury is still out on which is better for the environment.  But for now I will stick to my habits.  I know people who spend a small fortune every week on paper products.  That is not for me.  Even with coupons, I think that's a waste of money.

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