Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Frugality is Freedom

I don't need anything. This weekend I went out tagging and I passed up quite a few nice things because I just didn't need them. I spent my usual $20 of mad money, but when it was gone, I was okay with it. When I was young and just out of school I needed everything, but now I pretty much have two of everything and I don't have that aching need for stuff anymore. If anything I am happy to give stuff away and liberate myself. Growing up, I didn't have good winter coats, now I have coats and jackets in every conceivable color and length. I have a closet full ready for charity in the fall. Every coat I have I paid pennies for. My frugality has made me free to give coats away and still have plenty. I don't need to worry about next season. Some people do. I feel rich and free from worry. It's a good feeling to able to give. This weekend I will be going to a clothing swap. The idea is I bring a bagful of clothes to give it away, then I take away a much smaller bag of clothes for myself. This is a free event and it works well. I get rid of a lot of stuff I've stopped using and pick up something I need. And it's all free. It's a win-win. Many Churches have silmilar events and you find the best stuff there. Check your local paper. In major cities the Freegans have similar events which they call a freemarket. The freegans have a website. I hate just throwing things away particularly if they are still useful. Why fill up the dump with something someone else needs?

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